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產品名稱:*YFF-KL 3X2.5 13X1平方電纜



產品特點:*YFF-KL 3X2.5 13X1平方電纜
DJYP3V 銅芯聚絕緣對絞,鋁箔/塑料薄膜復合帶屏蔽聚護套電子計算機電纜固定敷設。

MHY32(PUYV39-1) (1×2 1×4 2×2 3×2 4×2 5×2 6×2 8×2 10×2)1/1.0、1/1.38聚絕緣鋼絲鎧裝聚氯護套煤礦用電纜用于平巷或豎井或斜井作傳輸。

MKVVR煤礦用 聚氯絕緣聚氯護套控制軟電纜。



充油通信電纜的識別和長度標記: 電纜外表面有性識別標記,標記間隔不大于1m,標記內容有:導線直徑,線對數量,電纜型號,制造廠廠名代號及制造年份,長度標記以間隔不大于1m標記在外表面上,但與上述標記錯開。

*YFF-KL 3X2.5 13X1平方電纜

阻燃等級 :C 供火溫度:≥815℃ 供火時間:20min 成束敷設電纜的非金屬材料體積:≥1.5升/米 炭化高度:≤2.5米 自熄時間:≤1h ;

*YFF-KL 3X2.5 13X1平方電纜

DJYP3V 銅芯聚絕緣對絞,鋁箔/塑料薄膜復合帶屏蔽聚護套電子計算機電纜固定敷設。

MHY32(PUYV39-1) (1×2 1×4 2×2 3×2 4×2 5×2 6×2 8×2 10×2)1/1.0、1/1.38聚絕緣鋼絲鎧裝聚氯護套煤礦用電纜用于平巷或豎井或斜井作傳輸。

MKVVR煤礦用 聚氯絕緣聚氯護套控制軟電纜。

*YFF-KL 3X2.5 13X1平方電纜


為保證產品的良能,我公司采用國內優質材料,并按 9001保證體系的要求,對材料的采購和驗收進行嚴格控制,不合格材料嚴禁使用。

candidate, Mary of Scotland. This was gall and wormwood to Mary Tudor. They could not both be legitimate. If the grounds for the divorce of Queen Catharine were good she was never Henry’s lawful wife, and her daughter had no right to the crown. If they were bad, then Elizabeth was necessarily the bastard that the law of England inferentially had just declared her to be. The King of France, foiled in his attempts to prevent the Queen’s Spanish marriage, instructed de Noailles13 to use every sible means to hinder a match between Elizabeth and Soy, “poor and dissessed as he is”; and, alert as the ambassador was, no great effort on his part was needed. The Queen, bitterly jealous of her sister, who she knew was more or less openly working with the Carews, the Courtneys, the Wyatts and others to undermine her throne, peremptorily refused to rehabilitate Elizabeth’s birth. Then came the Wyatt rebellion and Elizabeth’s imprnment. In after years both Philip and Elizabeth often referred to the fact

DJYVP 聚絕緣總屏蔽聚氯護套電子計算機用電纜 固定敷設在室內、電纜溝或管道內。

ZR-KYJV22 銅芯阻燃交聯聚絕緣阻燃聚氯護套鋼帶鎧裝控制電纜 0.75~62-61敷設在室內電纜溝、管道、直埋等男受較大機械外力等固定。

PYY PTYY 聚絕緣護套鐵路電纜。




Several grooms came out to receive him, and a gre, bearded squire with his doublet emblazoned with arms and a big sword of the time of the Comunidades. He made Jeromín and the Fleming enter into the second courtyard through hey iron gates; then they found themselves in another court of elegant proportions, really that of the house. It was formed by two ornamental cloisters, an upper and a lower one, with slender columns, the top one shut in by a balustrade of stone. There was a big well in the middle of the court, with a great chain and two copper buckets, and the rest of the space was covered with little paths and box bushes, except at the foot of the cloisters, where it was ped. From this lower cloister there was a wide staircase of white stone which Jeromín mounted trembling, not realising what was the matter with him. At the first landing he became dazed. A group of people hurried down and became confused before the dazzled eyes of the child, as if they flickered like the rays of the sun which was shining on them—a majestic figure dressed in velvet with things that sparkled—a tall Dominican friar—two duennas with white caps and black shawls—some women—several men.

廣播線-通信用廣播線-HYPY23 HYPV HYPV53 HYPV22 HPYV23 HYP HYPV23電纜,HYPV53電纜,HYPV電纜,HYPV22通信電纜;通訊音頻電纜廣播線HYPVR22 HYPVR

鹵酸氣體釋放量試驗應能通過GB/T17650.1-1998鹵酸氣體總量的測定∠5mg/g以及GB/T17650.2-19981用測量PH值和電導率來測定氣體的酸度 (1L水中PH≥4.3 電導率值應不超過10us/mm)

橡套電纜MYP-0.66/1.14KV 3*185+1*70

如:1)采煤機屏蔽橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓為00.66/1.14KV,動力線芯3*50,地線芯為1*10,控制線芯為4*4,帶半導電屏蔽層,表示為:MCP-0.66/1.14 3*50+1*10+4*4 MT818.2-1999
2)采煤機屏蔽監視編織加強型橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓為0.66/1.14KV,動力線芯3*50,地線芯1*25,控制線芯2*2.5,帶半導電屏蔽層,監視線芯和編織加強層,表示為:MCPJB-0.66/1.14 3*50+1*25+2*2.5 MT818.3-1999
3)采煤機金屬屏蔽監視型橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓0.66/1.14KV,動力線芯3*70,地線芯1*25,監視線芯1*35,帶金屬屏蔽層,表示為MCPTJ-0.66/1.14 3*70+1*35+1*35 MT 818.4-1999橡套電纜MYP-0.66/1.14KV 3*185+1*70
4)煤礦用移動彈性體軟礦用電纜,額定電壓0.38/0.66KV,動力線芯3*25,地線芯1*16,不帶屏蔽層,表示為:MYE-0.38/0.66 3*25+1*16 MT818.5-1999
5)煤礦用移動金屬屏蔽監視型橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓3.6/6KV,動力線芯3*35,地線芯3*16/3,監視線芯3*2.5,帶半導電屏蔽層,表示為:MYPTJ-3.6/6 3*35+3*16/3+3*2.5 MT818.6-1999
6)煤礦用移動屏蔽橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓為3.6/6KV,動力線芯3*25,地線芯1*16,低溫環境用,帶半導電屏蔽層,表示為:MYDP-3.6/6 3*25+1*16 MT818.7-1999
7)煤礦用電鉆屏蔽彈性體礦用電纜,額定電壓0.3/0.5KV,動力線芯3*4,地線芯1*4,表示為:MZPE-0.3/0.53*4+1*4 MT818.8-1999橡套電纜MYP-0.66/1.14KV 3*185+1*70
8)煤礦用移動輕型橡套軟礦用電纜,額定電壓0.3/0.5KV,絕緣線芯3*2.5,不帶屏蔽層,表示為:MYQ-0.3/0.5 3*2.5 MT818.9-1999
9)煤礦用礦工帽燈礦用電纜,絕緣線芯2*0.75,表示為:MM 2*0.75 MT818.10-1999

采掘工業用電線電纜(礦用橡套軟電纜)橡套電纜MYP-0.66/1.14KV 3*185+1*70

采掘電線電纜是供地下或地面各種礦藏(煤、金屬、非金屬礦)開采設備、工具用的一類產品。由于地下煤礦的環境條件為復雜(有瓦斯氣),因此產品性能要求以按煤礦的條件為主,所以通稱礦用電線電纜。其品種除采煤機電纜還有礦用移動橡套電纜,電鉆電纜,礦用控制電纜,礦用通信電纜,采掘機電纜(UGF電纜)。礦用動力線路用電纜在結構上要滿足耐沖擊(大礦石砸下)、耐擠壓(礦車)等要求,并有防止引起瓦斯爆炸的保護結構(與繼橡套電纜MYP-0.66/1.14KV 3*185+1*70


MKYJV礦用控制電纜 產品及價格


MKYJV 銅芯聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套阻燃煤礦用控制電纜 (2-14)*(4-6)



MKYJV22 銅芯聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套鋼帶鍇裝阻燃煤礦用交聯控制電纜 (7-61)*(0.75-1.5)




MKYJV礦用控制電纜 產品及價格

 銅芯聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套鋼絲鍇裝阻燃礦用控制電纜 (2-61)*(0.75-2.5)




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